[HamWAN PSDR] annoying banter...

KL7WM at aol.com KL7WM at aol.com
Thu Feb 7 23:03:24 PST 2013

Yes but it does have a good coverage area and very high speed  Internet
Daniel Stevens, KL7WM
In a message dated 2/7/2013 4:33:50 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, me at bartk.us 

Yes.  I've spoken @ WWARA already in order to  address the repeater owners 
throughout the Puget Sound.  What came of  that is that most repeater owners 
have very little power over their sites when  it comes to installing new 
gear, and are typically (>95%) not the site  owners.  It's still a viable 
avenue though in terms of who might be  interested in using or supporting such a 
system, but probably not from the  sites-for-HamWAN angle.  Perhaps you 
know more repeater folks, give it a  shot!

FWARC has expressed the most interest in D-Star over HamWAN for  their 
D-Star system.  However, their site is fairly low down, on Graham  Hill.


On 02/07/2013 04:06 PM, Rob Salsgiver  wrote:

Sorry all for the ongoing barrage of emails, but once  something starts 
taking root in the head it’s hard to drive it  out….. 
Has there been any thought given to the angle of  marketing HamWAN to 
repeater owners? 
Specifically the following two points: 
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1)       <!--[endif]-->Internet based remote 
control for  repeaters 
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2)       <!--[endif]-->Internet connectivity for 
repeaters  (echolink, IRLP, D-Star gateways, etc) 
Getting mountain-top connections to the ‘net is often  difficult enough.  
If we market right, we may be able to get into sites  easier, connect to 
multiple repeaters per site, make their lives easier, and  drive some adoption 
and expansion through that avenue. 


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