[HamWAN PSDR] Update: 8dB rise!

Dean Gibson AE7Q hamwan at ae7q.com
Fri Jun 13 18:29:07 PDT 2014

Going back to v6.13 didn't improve anything, but it did seem to get rid 
of the occasional variations in voltage (from 13.5v down to 12.8v) that 
SNMP was reporting to "The Dude" software.  So, after letting v6.13 run 
for couple hours with no improvement, I reinstalled v6.15.

Presto!  Instant dBm improvement back to my normally observed values.  
Here are links to SNMP graphs of the drop @9:30am, and the rise at 
17:48pm.  Of course, you can also see this in Nigel's Cacti reporting, 
albeit with less horizontal (time) resolution.


Note that the reported sudden dBm "rise" to -60dBm (the upper limit I've 
imposed to keep the graph scale reasonable) on two occasions in the 
second graph, is when I upgraded and then reconfigured the radio (from a 
cut-&-paste script), and should be ignored.

Note that a very similar scenario occurred several months ago, when I 
upgraded from v6.10 to v6.12.

Of course, today is Friday the 13th.  Maybe Jason is responsible.

-- Dean

On 2014-06-13 12:28, Dean Gibson AE7Q wrote:
> On 2014-06-13 12:13, Cory (NQ1E) wrote:
>> Did it rain on those trees you're pointing at around then? :)
>> On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 12:12 PM, Dean Gibson AE7Q <hamwan at ae7q.com 
>> <mailto:hamwan at ae7q.com>> wrote:
>>     This morning (well after the update to v6.15 last night) just
>>     after 9:30am, I saw a 8dB drop in both TX and RX signal levels,
>>     which persist at this time.  I did a "reset configuration", which
>>     did not solve the problem.
>>     Did anyone do a change at Paine sector 2 around 9:30am?
> It's been raining gently all morning.  Last night it rained a bit 
> harder, and I saw no significant or unusual variation.  I'm going back 
> to v6.13 to see if that changes anything.
> The drop was very sudden.  I have that antenna connection very well 
> sealed, I thought, and the Ethernet cable runs uphill to get into the 
> eaves.  I did a cursory visual check of that this morning.

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