[HamWAN PSDR] Camp Murray install 7/20 and 7/27 - ground crew needed

Rob Salsgiver rob at nr3o.com
Tue Jul 16 18:18:09 PDT 2019

Greetings all,


The next 2 Saturdays we will be installing (4) PTP dishes at Camp Murray.
This Saturday (7/20) Bart will be climbing and installing as much as we can.
Next Saturday Mike Ping will do the climbing to finish what we don't get
done this weekend.


We can use 2-3 people for additional ground crew both days.  Doug and I will
be there on 7/20 and I will be there on 7/27 as Doug has prior commitments.


As most of you know Camp Murray is the State EOC and is a very important
link for statewide EMCOMM entities.  It is also a great asset to have
participating in the HamWAN network.


In order to volunteer you MUST be registered as a Washington State Emergency
Worker - either through Camp Murray or your local City or County EOC.  You
will need to send a copy of your Emergency Worker Card to our contact at
Camp Murray prior to arriving on-site, and you must wear your credentials
while you are there.  


We are planning to start at 8am and run through 5pm, possibly later
depending on the climbers' comfort and energy reserves.  I will be onsite
this Saturday between 7 and 7:30 to start pulling gear out of storage.


If you hold an Emergency Worker card and can help on one or both weekends,
please let me know.  I will put you in touch with our coordinator at Camp
Murray so you can send your credentials.



Rob Salsgiver - NR3O


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