[HamWAN PSDR] HamWAN Board Director Election 2021 - Rob Salsgiver

Rob Salsgiver rob at nr3o.com
Fri Jun 25 23:24:12 PDT 2021

Greetings all,


As Nigel has noted, it is that time again for elections, and I will put my
name forward once again for your consideration.  2019 and 2020 have
definitely been challenges in different ways for different people.  2021 is
continuing that trend in yet different ways still.  There are several
expansion issues I am currently working in the EMCOMM side of the world
including Pacific County, Spokane County and Region 9 surrounding counties,
and some additional up here in Snohomish County.  Pretty much all of my time
this year through September will be take up with those efforts, as the
funding has to be spent and projects completed by then.


There are a number of areas within HamWAN the organization I would like to
see us improve such as strategic planning, recruiting, training, reporting,
and some of the business aspects of the organization.  Few of these are new
topics, but without some additional push and changes it is hard to include,
train, and support new blood needed to keep the organization moving.  Our
website has been mostly stagnant for years, with little improvement or
change in published items such as an accurate map, current equipment
recommendations and sources, and finished configuration specs of standard
resources beyond the client config script.  This is not intended as a
criticism of current or past individual efforts as everyone puts in the
effort they have the time to give in the areas that interest them.  


It IS a call that we need to improve the SYSTEM and / or tools by which some
of these items are maintained.  We simply cannot move forward if we can't
even maintain what we have.  


Vote AND Participate.  It's not just Board members who are needed.  We have
a continuing need for climbers, ground crew, NetOps, mentors, advocates,
programmers, and all sorts of help.  


If you see something you thing needs to be improved, let us know. 

If you see something you can do to help us improve, let us know.


The voting period for myself will conclude 7 days from now. Supporting
members, please reply in this thread with your Yea, Nay, or Abstain votes.


Thank you all for your consideration, and I hope to have the opportunity to
work with you further over the next year.


Rob Salsgiver - NR3O

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