[HamWAN PSDR] DNS mapping

Dean Gibson AE7Q hamwan at ae7q.com
Fri May 16 00:21:00 PDT 2014


OK, now I need to "reinstate" my LoTW cert (actually, apply for a new 
one) ...

On 2014-05-15 23:32, Tom Hayward wrote:
> On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 9:49 PM, Dean Gibson AE7Q <hamwan at ae7q.com> wrote:
>> Now, this is not correct.  While I appreciate the PTR record for, it needs to point to a hostname record ("A" or CNAME"), not a domainname record.  This is not the fault of the PTR record, but the record that it points to:  The NS record for ae7q.hamwan.net effectively declares ae7q.hamwan.net as a subdomain, with ns1.ae7q.ampr.org as its nameserver.  Now, ns1.ae7q.ampr.org has the IP address of, but that doesn't mean that the domain ae7q.hamwan.net is anywhere near 44.24.240.x.
> Dean,
> The reason there is an NS record at ae7q.hamwan.net is because I needed to test user NS records while working on the portal UI. On April 10 you talked about running your own DNS server, and complained that ampr.org did not allow NS records. Not wanting HamWAN to be accused of the same thing, I made sure you could create NS records yourself from the portal.
> Use your Logbook of the World certificate to log in here: http://portal.hamwan.org/dns/
> It will allow you to create, edit, and delete any DNS record within the {LoTW callsign}.hamwan.net domain (e.g., AE7Q.hamwan.net). You can manipulate the records as you see fit.
> Tom KD7LXL

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