[HamWAN PSDR] Updated Client Hardware Recommendations?

Ed Morin edmorin.jr at gmail.com
Fri Oct 28 10:07:48 PDT 2016

The HamWAN folks have occasionally purchased the model you have from folks as they sometimes use them for point-to-point links on their backbone.

FWIW, I made the exact same error.  It was very frustrating.  I wish the 20/40 units would also be able to do 5/10.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Edward Cukiernan" <ecukierman at gmail.com>
Sent: ‎10/‎28/‎2016 9:57 AM
To: "Puget Sound Data Ring" <psdr at hamwan.org>
Subject: Re: [HamWAN PSDR] Updated Client Hardware Recommendations?

It looks like the relevant line I missed was "this requires a Mikrotik 802.11a/n modem (their 802.11ac modems cannot do 5 or 10 MHz channels)"

I hope others learn from my lesson and don't assume that just because the modem was used elsewhere in hamwan it would be suitable for a client node.

Thanks for the quick reply,

On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 7:53 AM, Ed Morin <edmorin.jr at gmail.com> wrote:

You can't use that model for standard HamWAN node access because it only does 20 and 40 MHz channels.  You need the RB912UAG-5HPnD-OUT model that supports 5 and 10 MHz channels.  The 921 is an awesome modem often used for backhaul links, but unfortunately incompatible with the standard HamWAN client access model.  Since I'm somewhat of a "noob" myself at this, I'm sure one of the seasoned guru's will jump in to correct any misinformation I may have blathered.  ;-)

This is a page worth studying a bit on client access gear.


On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 9:15 PM, Edward Cukiernan <ecukierman at gmail.com> wrote:

Does anyone have experience with the RB921UAGS-5SHPacD-NM modem? I was hoping to ask for configuration advice as I tried to set up a new client node.

In particular I am getting an "unsupported channel" error when I tried to enter the 6 hamwan channels. From poking around in the UI it looks like the part it is complaining about is using a 5 or 10 mhz width. (I'm inferring this because the UI is happy enough for me to set a 20mhz width.) 

If you are curious how I chose that one it is because I saw it mentioned in a previous thread as being proposed to add to Baldi.


On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 6:10 PM, Nigel Vander Houwen <nigel at nigelvh.com> wrote:

Hello Don,

I’m not sure what specific other hardware you were having a hard time finding. I haven’t seen anything about the 5SHPn being discontinued, and it is available on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/MikroTik-RBMetal-5SHPn-Routerboard-OUTDOOR-WIRELESS/dp/B00ADRZGOK

The normal grid dish we recommend has been getting harder to find, but the ARC dishes should be available via other distributors, like Streakwave. https://www.streakwave.com/itemdesc.asp?ic=ARC-DA5830SD1

If you do go the ARC dish route, since it’s a dual polarity dish, and our newer sites are dual polarity, you may want to consider the RB912 modem instead of the 5SHPn https://www.streakwave.com/itemdesc.asp?ic=RB912UAG5HPnDOT which will support dual polarity.


On Oct 4, 2016, at 11:00, VA7 KOC <va7koc at shaw.ca> wrote:

Hi there,

For the last couple of days, I've been trying to chase down some client radio hardware as recommended by our club here in Victoria, BC as well as the recommendation at HamWAN.org.  It seems that all of the radio products have been discontinued and are therefore out of stock at multiple distributors.  Originally I was looking at the Mikrotik Metal 5SHPn but failing that, I started working through the rest of the list with no joy.

Is there an updated list or alternative products that people have been using?  I'd rather purchase based on experience vs. a spec sheet, so any advice is appreciated.

Thank you,

Don MacLeod
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