[HamWAN PSDR] Yakima County Mesh

Chad Smith chad at verishare.net
Thu Apr 6 12:49:25 PDT 2017

*Greetings. Here in Yakima we use the AREDN.ORG <http://AREDN.ORG> firmware
with Ubiquiti radios on 2397Mhz. I realize the HamWan is a different beast,
however we are looking at expanding our network. Currently we are just in
Yakima, Selah and getting into the lower valley toward tri-cities. There is
also a tunnel to the Walla Walla mesh network. I would like to open a
dialog with you folks about possible future expansion state wide as well
and advise on updating out network. *


*Chad Smith *

*Node Maphttps://tinyurl.com/mtrmolu <https://tinyurl.com/mtrmolu>*

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