[HamWAN PSDR] Node question

Carl carl at n7kuw.com
Sun Aug 27 14:58:49 PDT 2017

One more suggestion, again using Google Earth - zoom in on your location after you have plotted the path to Capitol Peak, and look where that line lies on the ground in your immediate area.  That is where you have to look to see if you have LOS. Again, see attached for an example.  My house is in the lower center of the picture and the path to Gold (in my case) is in red.  If I go out in my back yard and stand where the red line crosses my property and look in the direction of that red line, I should see Gold Mtn.

Next, I "rotated" the Google Earth view down so I could basically see where that red line was pointing, and found that same location. Second picture attached shows the actual view I have compared to the Google Earth view I should have.  Bingo! I've got LOS.  I took a good set of binoculars and could see all the towers on Gold, confirming I'm looking at the correct place. (But I've been to Gold many times, so knew where it was anyway.)

You can do the same thing for your shot.

Good luck.

-----Original Message-----
From: PSDR [mailto:psdr-bounces at hamwan.org] On Behalf Of Lee Chambers
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2017 10:23 AM
To: Puget Sound Data Ring
Subject: Re: [HamWAN PSDR] Node question

Thanks. I'm pretty low, but just maybe there's a shot between the distant hills. What should I look for?


> On Aug 26, 2017, at 8:20 PM, Nigel Vander Houwen <nigel at nigelvh.com> wrote:
> Lee,
> The sextant should be compatible, the key factor for you is going to be signal strength. The sextant doesn’t have a terribly large antenna, and 5.9GHz is very line of sight. A couple trees is probably fine, lots of trees or a landform in the way will be a no-go. If you have line of sight to one of our cell sites, certainly give it a try.
> Nigel
>> On Aug 26, 2017, at 19:59, Lee Chambers <ki7ss1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I bought a Microtic Sextant G-5HPnd combination dish and receiver at a silent key sale today. Can I use it to get into the CapitolPeak Ham Wan system?
>> Lee Chambers
>> Ki7ss
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