[HamWAN PSDR] VOTE: Board Elections

Nigel Vander Houwen nigel at nigelvh.com
Thu Feb 23 12:46:30 PST 2017


I figured it was a joke, but I used the opportunity to clarify the info for the list as a whole.

Supporting members are defined as those who contribute at the Basic level ($20/mo) over a 6 month period as defined in Article I of our Constitution. http://hamwan.org/Administrative/Constitution.html <http://hamwan.org/Administrative/Constitution.html> The PayPal link is at the top of our home page.

By participating on this list, you’re already a general member, and all input/participation is appreciated. There is no obligation to donate to participate or make use of the network, but donations are appreciated and help us expand.


> On Feb 23, 2017, at 12:39, Subhro Kar <subhro at 80386.org> wrote:
>> On Feb 23, 2017, at 12:29 PM, Nigel Vander Houwen <nigel at nigelvh.com <mailto:nigel at nigelvh.com>> wrote:
>> Hello Subhro,
>> Just as the people running for president are allowed to vote for themselves, Bart is a supporting member, and is able to cast his vote in all elections including his own.
> Oh, I was just giving him a hard time. Bart is someone I know outside of HamWan as well. But I think it was a bit inappropriate to do that on the list. I am sorry about that.
>> Additionally, I appreciate your vote of confidence Subhro, but your name isn’t in the list of Supporting Members that Cory provided me, so I won’t be able to include your vote in the final tally. I do want to thank you for your participation though!
> Sure. How do I get into this list?
> Thanks
> Subhro
>> Thanks,
>> Nigel
>>> On Feb 23, 2017, at 12:16, Subhro Kar <subhro at 80386.org> wrote:
>>> Are you allowed to self vote Bart? :-P I would not have voted otherwise though.
>>> Corey, Ryan, Bart and Nigel: All YAY. Dont fix something that is not broken.
>>> Subhro
>>>> On Feb 23, 2017, at 12:11 PM, Bart Kus <me at bartk.us> wrote:
>>>> My votes are:
>>>> Cory: Yay
>>>> Ryan: Yay
>>>> Bart: Yay
>>>> Nigel: Yay
>>>> --Bart
>>>> On 2/23/2017 8:43 AM, Cliff Gurlen wrote:
>>>>> I vote as follows:
>>>>> Cory: Yay
>>>>> Ryan: Yay
>>>>> Bart: Yay
>>>>> Nigel: Yay
>>>>> On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 1:08 AM, Nigel Vander Houwen <nigel at nigelvh.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Apologies, minor correction: Supporting members are those who have
>>>>>> contributed at the Basic level for *6* months, not 12. The list remains the
>>>>>> same, as Cory gathered it using the proper criteria. Thanks Cory!
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> Nigel
>>>>>> On Feb 22, 2017, at 20:59, Nigel Vander Houwen <nigel at nigelvh.com> wrote:
>>>>>> As a supporting member, I will vote as follows:
>>>>>> Cory: Yay
>>>>>> Ryan: Yay
>>>>>> Bart: Yay
>>>>>> Nigel: Yay
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Nigel
>>>>>> On Feb 22, 2017, at 20:58, Nigel Vander Houwen <nigel at nigelvh.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Everyone,
>>>>>> It’s been a year since our current board members were approved, so it’s time
>>>>>> to revisit!
>>>>>> As a quick recap for folks that haven’t been around, or need a reminder:
>>>>>> Board member positions last for one year.
>>>>>> Any supporting member is eligible to vote for board members.
>>>>>> Any supporting member is eligible to run for a position on the board.
>>>>>> There is no limit on the number of board members, so if you want to run and
>>>>>> participate, you’re not taking a spot away from anyone else.
>>>>>> There is a minimum number of 3 board members.
>>>>>> Supporting members are those who have contributed at the Basic level
>>>>>> ($20/mo) (or more) for the last 12 months.
>>>>>> Voting is open for 7 days.
>>>>>> Each board member is a separate “election”, IE you don’t have to choose one
>>>>>> person to vote for, you choose Yay or Nay for all individuals.
>>>>>> Please respond to the list with your votes, the list serves as our public
>>>>>> records.
>>>>>> Our current list of supporting members is as follows (the folks who are
>>>>>> eligible to vote):
>>>>>> Robert Salsgiver
>>>>>> Benjamin Krueger
>>>>>> Nigel Vander Houwen
>>>>>> Ryan Turner
>>>>>> Bartlomiej Kus
>>>>>> Daniel Ransom
>>>>>> Allen Johnson
>>>>>> Clifton Gurlen
>>>>>> Ian Finder
>>>>>> Ryan Spott
>>>>>> Mike Shirley
>>>>>> Terence Chan
>>>>>> Tim Osburn
>>>>>> Cory Johnson
>>>>>> In addition, we have a few folks that have made one time donations, or
>>>>>> haven’t been on a recurring donation long enough to be a supporting member.
>>>>>> Jim Hudspeth
>>>>>> Francis Haugen
>>>>>> David Yost
>>>>>> Nick Austin
>>>>>> I’d like to thank all of the above folks for supporting HamWAN and our
>>>>>> ability to purchase gear to expand the network and provide services to
>>>>>> users. We’ve been very fortunate in our ability to keep overhead low, so we
>>>>>> can put as much as possible into things that directly improve the network.
>>>>>> We’ve seen the last year bring a pile of great progress:
>>>>>> A number of new Open Peering Policy users have joined us, using our network
>>>>>> infrastructure to announce their 44-net networks to the internet.
>>>>>> Capitol Peak was approved and brought online.
>>>>>> Additional hardware for Gold was approved and brought online.
>>>>>> We added a high resolution PTZ camera at our Baldi site with generous
>>>>>> donations specifically for the camera.
>>>>>> Rob has done some fantastic work bringing some hospitals online.
>>>>>> We worked with our friends in Victoria BC to bring the Triangle site online
>>>>>> We underwent a routine IRS audit that found no problems, and I’d really love
>>>>>> to thank Cory for his efforts on this, and hope for his continued
>>>>>> involvement on the board.
>>>>>> We rebuilt the HamWAN.org website from scratch, Bart and Tom put a huge
>>>>>> amount of effort into this. Thanks guys!
>>>>>> Our sister networks in Memphis and Tampa have both grown.
>>>>>> We purchased our own ASN to improve our ability to help our sister networks
>>>>>> get online via BGP, and released the borrowed one we had been using back to
>>>>>> Threshold Communications, which had been generously letting us use it. They
>>>>>> continue to support our Westin edge router, which we appreciate greatly.
>>>>>> We purchased a number of locking equipment racks to help us install our gear
>>>>>> securely at sites.
>>>>>> We’ve purchased extra batteries to extend the runtime in case of a power
>>>>>> outage at Baldi (yet to be installed).
>>>>>> We’ve purchased and replaced a few failing modems over the year as well.
>>>>>> We’ve had some repeaters get connected this year, and we’ve recently added
>>>>>> an on-network DMR C-Bridge to support their efforts.
>>>>>> As you can see, there’s a lot of forward progress over the last year, and
>>>>>> there’s no end in sight.
>>>>>> Which brings me to the bit about actually electing board members. For the
>>>>>> last year, Bart Kus, Cory Johnson, Ryan Turner, and myself have acted as the
>>>>>> board for HamWAN. I’ve confirmed with each of them that they’re willing to
>>>>>> serve again this year if elected, so we’ll combine the votes for all four in
>>>>>> one email thread.
>>>>>> Cory Johnson - Cory has graciously handled HamWAN’s financial and legal
>>>>>> filings and reports. I’m incredibly grateful for his efforts in general, and
>>>>>> especially this year after completing our IRS audit. Thank you Cory!
>>>>>> Ryan Turner - Ryan heads our sister network in Memphis, and has put a lot of
>>>>>> effort into our automation, and outreach. Thank you Ryan!
>>>>>> Bart Kus - Bart continues to put enormous effort into the physical aspects
>>>>>> of the network, acquiring new sites, installing and maintaining them, as
>>>>>> well as some software projects, as well as acting as an administrator for
>>>>>> the Puget Sound network day to day. Thank you Bart!
>>>>>> Nigel Vander Houwen - (me) I handle much of our contract work, and record
>>>>>> keeping around technical aspects like LoAs, I serve as a day to day network
>>>>>> administrator, and have helped deploy and maintain some of the on-network
>>>>>> services, occasionally I manage to make a site visit with Bart to get things
>>>>>> done, and I handle things like the email you’re reading now.
>>>>>> Voting is open for Cory, Ryan, Bart, and myself for 7 days, after which the
>>>>>> final results will be decided by the majority of votes cast.
>>>>>> If any of the supporting members from above would like to participate on the
>>>>>> board, please announce your intention on this list, and your 7 day voting
>>>>>> period will end 7 days after your announcement. Duties are not time
>>>>>> intensive, and mostly consist of being available for occasional calls to
>>>>>> approve expenses, and assisting HamWAN in whichever other ways your time
>>>>>> and/or skills/knowledge allow.
>>>>>> Thank you all for reading this rather long email, and hope to serve for
>>>>>> another great year with HamWAN.
>>>>>> Nigel Vander Houwen
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