[HamWAN PSDR] SnoDEM repair mission

Bart Kus me at bartk.us
Thu Apr 26 00:58:00 PDT 2018


SnoDEM is in need of some repairs:

1) Gold.SnoDEM modem is dead, needs to be replaced.
2) All the wiring is flailing in the wind since the zip ties broke 
(https://imgur.com/a/wkghAp0).  Cables need to be properly supported, 
with cable ladder clamping hardware.  However, this was our second site, 
and we used cable that was too thick to be compatible with tower cable 
cushions, so....all the cabling has to be replaced with proper diameter 
3) The dishes are not shielded, so they pick up way too many local 
signals, and each other.  Every dish has to be lowered to the ground, 
radome removed, and shield kit bolted on, then raised up again, 
re-attached, and re-aimed.
4) Optionally, the sectors may be upgraded to MIMO.  This is still TBD.
5) Optionally, the last dish may be installed, bearing north for Lookout.

This will require at least 2 climbers on the tower, and a bunch of 
ground crew to help with cable hoisting and dish shield replacement.  
Each shield will probably take 1 hour to replace, since they have so 
many bolts.

I'm wondering who would be available and willing to help on the 12th and 
13th of May.  You don't have to do both days, so let me know your 
day-by-day availability if you can help.  Please hit Reply and not Reply 
All, to minimize list spam.



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