[HamWAN PSDR] [HamWAN Deploy] SnoDEM repair mission

Sam Kuonen sam.kuonen at gmail.com
Sun Apr 29 06:48:31 PDT 2018

What is required by PSDR to be considered a climber?


On Sun, Apr 29, 2018 at 2:46 AM Bart Kus <me at bartk.us> wrote:

> It's been a couple days since I posted the call for volunteers, and the
> replies have started to slow down, so it's probably a good time for a
> snapshot.  I'm tracking the volunteers in the following spreadsheet:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wrbdvsOdrj-lRLBx00X5ieEzF1J2R8HRacm7nCUA1Gs/edit?usp=sharing
> *We're really short on climbers*, and a little short on volunteers for
> Sunday.  I can't climb Sunday since I'll have my kid with me, and need to
> look after her.  I can do ground crew work though.
> If I've missed your email somehow and you don't see yourself on the
> spreadsheet, please let me know.
> Thanks,
> --Bart
> On 4/26/2018 12:58 AM, Bart Kus wrote:
> Hello,
> SnoDEM is in need of some repairs:
> 1) Gold.SnoDEM modem is dead, needs to be replaced.
> 2) All the wiring is flailing in the wind since the zip ties broke (
> https://imgur.com/a/wkghAp0).  Cables need to be properly supported, with
> cable ladder clamping hardware.  However, this was our second site, and we
> used cable that was too thick to be compatible with tower cable cushions,
> so....all the cabling has to be replaced with proper diameter cable.
> 3) The dishes are not shielded, so they pick up way too many local
> signals, and each other.  Every dish has to be lowered to the ground,
> radome removed, and shield kit bolted on, then raised up again,
> re-attached, and re-aimed.
> 4) Optionally, the sectors may be upgraded to MIMO.  This is still TBD.
> 5) Optionally, the last dish may be installed, bearing north for Lookout.
> This will require at least 2 climbers on the tower, and a bunch of ground
> crew to help with cable hoisting and dish shield replacement.  Each shield
> will probably take 1 hour to replace, since they have so many bolts.
> I'm wondering who would be available and willing to help on the 12th and
> 13th of May.  You don't have to do both days, so let me know your
> day-by-day availability if you can help.  Please hit Reply and not Reply
> All, to minimize list spam.
> Thanks,
> --Bart
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