[HamWAN PSDR] VOTE: Board Director Elections - Cory Johnson

Cory (NQ1E) cory at nq1e.hm
Wed Mar 28 12:45:17 PDT 2018

If the votes remain in my favor, I will continue my tenure on the board. :)

I want to thank Doug for stepping up as well.  Having worked with him on
both PSRG and Seattle ACS, I know for a fact that he will be a valuable
addition to the board.

In a seemingly futile effort to minimize these annual email storms, I'm
going to include my votes here.  I'll also be preemptively voting for our
other two incumbent officers should they choose to run again.

Cory's votes:

Nigel Vander Houwen: Yay

Doug Kingston: Yay

Cory Johnson: Abstain

Bart Kus: Yay

Ryan Turner: Yay
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