[HamWAN PSDR] Client node

B.J. Guillot bj.guillot at gmail.com
Sun Oct 28 18:17:27 PDT 2018

In between the rain this weekend, I did some more testing with HamWAN  from
my home in Marysville.

My "test stand":
* MikroTik RB912UAG5HPnDOT
* Altelix AD5G30M2 antenna kit
* 10 foot mast on a small 3 foot tripod, from deck of backyard

I was able to get a connection (do some pings, visit some http sites), but
it was a bit intermittent with the wind swaying the dish on the mast.  If I
decide to mount permanently, I'll need to find a way to attach the top part
of the mast near the house to minimize the movement.

Best results were:

[admin at N7CS] > /interface wireless scan 0

Flags: A - active, P - privacy, R - routeros-network, N - nstreme, T -
tdma, W - wds, B - bridge

       ADDRESS           SSID                      CHANNEL
    SIG   NF SNR RADIO-NAME                     ROUTEROS-VERSION

A RT B 64:D1:54:95:C4:7F HamWAN                    5920/5/an
    -71 -124  53 K7WAN/SnoDEM-S1

A RT B 64:D1:54:6A:65:A8 HamWAN                    5900/5/an
    -83 -123  40 K7WAN/SnoDEM-S2

-- [Q quit|D dump|C-z pause]

As the wind would blow, the SIG numbers would jump into the -90's for a
moment and then come back.  Ping times to google.com were between 90-500+
ms.  I'll keep doing some experiments with different placements to see if I
can get an improved signal when I can find a sunny weekend.  In the
meantime, just wanted to say thanks to the all the people that have been
answering my questions over the past few months.

Burt J. Guillot, N7CS
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