[HamWAN PSDR] Lookout re-scheduled (Weather) to Sat 9/21 - need ground crew update

Rob Salsgiver rob at nr3o.com
Thu Sep 12 12:28:31 PDT 2019

Greetings all,


Sorry to say that I'm going to pull the plug on Lookout and reschedule it
for Saturday 9/21 due to the expectation of rain in the forecast for
Bellingham.  While the weather-guessers don't have it down exactly, they all
expect a 40-65% chance that rain will be coming through at various points
during the day, and it's not worth wasting everyone's time and safety.


With that, I'll re-issue the call for volunteers to help with the ground
crew on 9/21.  We probably only need 2-3 total.  Let me know if you're
available and interested. 



Rob Salsgiver - NR3O

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