[HamWAN PSDR] Gold - Buck PtP Update

Kenny Richards richark at gmail.com
Sat Aug 1 19:59:07 PDT 2020

With the help of Rob-NR3O and Mike-N7NFY, a nearly 12 month old to-do item
was finished today. We were able to complete the installation of the
Buck.Gold PtP, so the Buck site is no longer dependent on the link to
Capitol Park.

On my last visit to Buck, I installed a PtP dish and pointed it at Gold
using one of the Gold sectors. The plan was to install the Gold PtP last
summer, but the list of work items for the Gold visit exceeded our time and
no real mount point was available. The plan was to go back up with the
necessary mount and install the PtP, but it never happened and winter came.

This morning the crew got onsite around 9:30am and we proceeded to lift the
new mount in place and install the dish/radio for the Buck.Gold PtP link.
The installation actually went pretty painless, I was able to eyeball the
alignment enough to get the initial connection even. The final signal
strength wasn't wonderful (~62 I think), but I know the Buck side needs
some biological interference removed on the next trip. (which we have
permission todo) The dish is mounted on the north facing side of the tower
at ~90 feet(?). I was able to run the CAT5 along an existing path, so no
additional cable cushions were even needed.


I'll get to work adding the new radios to Cacti tomorrow, along with the
Rattlesnake and Blyn radios.

NOTE1: I don't have a portable label printer and didn't think about
pre-printing one for the CAT5 in the rack for the new radio. I 'made' a
label with some scrap paper, magic marker and a zip tie.

NOTE2: There was a complete 921netmetal and dish in the building at Gold. I
have a bad feeling I bought it last summer for the Buck.Gold link, left it
onsite when we weren't able to get it installed and  completely forgot
about it. HamWAN purchased a new one last month for this link, so I'll
confirm what happened with Doug and donate it to his stock....

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