[HamWAN PSDR] Lookout issues

Rob Salsgiver rob at nr3o.com
Tue Dec 28 16:15:36 PST 2021

Lookout appears to be back online as of about 1pm today.  I've logged into the R1 router there but not checked through the rest of the equipment yet.

A report relayed to me indicated that one or more of the racks lost power.  It did not sound like the entire site went down.  

Efforts to get there were delayed due to a road washout and the need to use a snowcat to get up there.  

Let me know if you have problems getting back online.

More info if/when I get a more concrete report.


-----Original Message-----
From: PSDR [mailto:psdr-bounces at hamwan.org] On Behalf Of Tom
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2021 1:30 PM
To: PSDR at hamwan.org
Subject: [HamWAN PSDR] Lookout issues

I lost signal a couple days and assumed it was snow on my dish.
(Although being accused of being crazy, I hesitated stomping around the roof in the snow)

It just came back on, so I am wondering if it was an issue at my end after all?

Are there any graphs we can watch to see where the flow stops?

    (50kM NNW from Lookout)

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