[HamWAN PSDR] vendors?

carl at n7kuw.com carl at n7kuw.com
Wed Mar 31 12:21:37 PDT 2021

You can also try Baltic Networks.
I have successfully ordered ROW off Amazon but that was a few years ago. You can't be sure of what you will actually get until it arrives. Make sure you try to program it promptly, if it is doesn't work you will be within the return window. You might also communicate with the vendor before placing your order to try and verify ROW.
Note that only the routerboard itself is the critical ROW item. The dish is a dish is a dish (if it is the right size, etc.)
Good luck.

-----Original Message-----
From: PSDR <psdr-bounces at hamwan.org> On Behalf Of David Bliss
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 12:17 PM
To: psdr at hamwan.org
Subject: [HamWAN PSDR] vendors?

I'd been putting off ordering HamWAN hardware because dealing with Streakwave seemed like a huge hassle.

And now I've finally ordered some (over a month ago, and still not here, for various reasons), and yeah, dealing with Streakwave is indeed a huge hassle.

I'm glad they're an option, but isn't there any better way to get ROW hardware?  Has anybody had any luck ordering from amazon.ca, amazon.de, or any other vendor with an actual functioning e-commerce and fulfilment system?  Even eBay, as much as I hate them, would have been better, if I knew how to actually find/specify -ROW versions.

73 -de- n8qg

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