[HamWAN PSDR] Second dish/radio with same credentials

Stephen Kangas stephen at kangas.com
Wed Apr 6 14:21:33 PDT 2022

Hi Ric,

A couple of us hams here in North Bend ARES have a dish we used for portable HamWan ops (before our local Rattlesnake sector node was forced out by DNR).  We have our portable dishes configured exactly same as our fixed dishes.  However, be aware that since we only use HamWan for emcomm we do not typically have our dishes turned on except in emergencies, occasional Winlink tests, SET exercises, etc.  And when we do that it is only the fixed location dish or the portable, so I haven’t actually tested them both on and connected to the same sector node.  Offhand, I can’t see why that wouldn’t work, as the IP addresses are assigned via DHCP and I would think that the HamWan system would be agnostic about everything else.  


But the question is begged: what use case do you have that would require two dishes simultaneously connected from the same owner?


BTW, since our HamWan sector is now gone, we are discussing P2P connections with our MikroTick dishes among our team, since there are now 4 of us with dishes, which is facilitated by choice of fixed vs portable.


Stephen W9SK



From: PSDR <psdr-bounces at hamwan.org> On Behalf Of Ric Merry
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2022 1:34 PM
To: Puget Sound Data Ring <psdr at hamwan.org>
Subject: [HamWAN PSDR] Second dish/radio with same credentials


As spring comes upon us young men start thinking about...portable HamWan ops.

I have a second new dish and radio I've never set up. Can I use the same credentials I have on my residential dish?

If I have success with my full size Micro-Tik as a portable I may be tempted to trade someone for a more portable size.


Mount Vernon WA

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