[HamWAN PSDR] VOTE: New annual budget and Cory for another term as director

Cory (NQ1E) cory at nq1e.hm
Tue Feb 17 12:08:32 PST 2015


I am running for another term as a director for HamWAN.  Over the last year
as director I have served as the FCC license trustee for our call sign
K7WAN.  I have also filled the roles typically associated with a secretary
and treasurer by making sure our obligations to the state and federal
governments are met as a non-profit organization.

My duties also included getting us recognized as an official public charity
with 501(c)3 status.  As a result, you can now have your employer match
your tax deductible donations to HamWAN if they offer that service.  This
also allows you to support us every time you shop at Amazon by bookmarking
this link: http://smile.amazon.com/?tag=hamwan-20

If you are one of the supporting members listed below, please vote YAY or
NAY to having Cory Johnson NQ1E serve another one year term as director.

In an attempt to keep the amount of vote traffic on this list to a minimum,
I would also like to have the directors vote on a new annual budget using
this thread.  If you are one of the existing directors, please vote YAY or
NAY to adopting the annual budget language listed below.

The majority of votes received within 7 days of this message will determine
the outcome.

Thank you,

-Cory Johnson NQ1E

my votes:
NQ1E for director: YAY
New annual budget: YAY

Annual Budget:
Up to $200/year may be spent on the liability insurance coverage we need to
host our equipment at certain third-party owned sites.

Up to $200/year may be spent on internet hosting related expenses such as
domain names, server hosting and certificates.

Up to $200/year may be spent on miscellaneous administrative fees,
including PO box rental as well as other fees required to keep our
non-profit filings up to date.

This budget replaces all existing ones and does not expire until a new one
is approved.  As provided in the HamWAN constitution, a separate vote must
be held for incurring any other expenses over $100.

Supporting Members:
Bart Kus
Cory Johnson
Benjamin Krueger
Daniel Ransom
Nigel Vander Houwen
Robert Salsgiver
Ryan Turner
Thomas Sayles
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