[HamWAN PSDR] VOTE: Board Director Elections - Tom

Tom Hayward tom at tomh.us
Mon Jul 1 14:05:16 PDT 2019

I am announcing my intention to serve on the HamWAN board of directors for
the year following the conclusion of this vote. The voting period defined
in the HamWAN constitution is 7 days, starting now. A reminder of the
voting procedures can be found in the quoted email below.

I have served as a Network Operator for HamWAN's Puget Sound network since
2013. I have contributed greatly to HamWAN software development:
https://github.com/HamWAN. And I have taken an active role in new site
research, design, and installation.


On Mon, May 13, 2019 at 8:37 PM Nigel Vander Houwen <nigel at nigelvh.com>

> Hello Everyone,
> It’s been a year since our current board members were elected, so it’s
> time for new elections.
> As a quick recap for folks that haven’t been around, or need a reminder:
>    - Board member positions last for one year.
>    - Any supporting member is eligible to vote for board members.
>    - Any supporting member is eligible to run for a position on the board.
>    - There is no limit on the number of board members, so if you want to
>    run and participate, you’re not taking a spot away from anyone else.
>       - There is a minimum number of 3 board members.
>    - Supporting members are those who have contributed at the Basic level
>    ($20/mo) (or more) for the last 6 months.
>    - Voting is open for 7 days.
>    - Each board member is a separate “election”, IE you don’t have to
>    choose one person to vote for, you choose Yay or Nay for all individuals.
>    - Please respond to the list with your votes, the list serves as our
>    public record.
> Here’s our current list of supporting members (the folks who are eligible
> to vote on directors, or run for director themselves) (Thank you Cory for
> pulling this together):
>    - Bart Kus
>    - Bob Edmiston
>    - Carl Leon
>    - Cory Johnson
>    - David Giuliani
>    - Doug Kingston
>    - David Yost
>    - Dylan Ambauen
>    - Ian Gallagher
>    - Jim Hudspeth
>    - Kenny Richards
>    - Marc Lacy
>    - Mark Sheppard
>    - Mikel Shirley
>    - Nick Hall
>    - Nigel Vander Houwen
>    - Robert Salsgiver
>    - Ronald Zuber
>    - Ryan Cukierman
>    - Ryan Turner
>    - Terence Chan
>    - Tom Hayward
>    - Randy Neals
> I’d like to thank everyone for contributing to the project, and helping us
> grow. We’ve seen a handful of new members added this year, in addition to
> quite a few new non-member users/orgs. This speaks greatly to the massive
> efforts of a number of folks in the project doing installs, giving
> presentations, and talking about HamWAN.
> We’ve seen a lot of great progress over the past year, not to mention a
> number of new users on the network. Here’s a small sampling of some of the
> things accomplished over the past year.
>    - Quite a handful of new Network Operations folks have been brought
>    on, and are quickly tackling issues and making improvements. Thanks team!
>    - A couple visits to our Capitol Park site saw new backbone links
>    installed, sector upgrades, and additional batteries in case of power
>    outage.
>    - Phone adoption has been taking off considerably with ACS and other
>    emergency services folks on board.
>    - Gear installed at Buck
>    - Gear installed at Beacon Hill
>    - Gear installed at Larch
>    - Work at the Seattle EOC
>    - Upgrade work at Snohomish County DEM
>    - Upgrade work at Haystack
>    - Upgrade and repair work at Gold
>    - New edge router at FMT as a partial replacement for Tukwila, which
>    gives us internet facing redundancy
>    - Aiming visit to Baw Faw
>    - Probably a bunch more that I forgot or managed to scroll past in my
>    emails.
> All of these things and more have been the results of massive efforts of a
> whole lot of people this year. Thanks to every one of you for making this
> happen. HamWAN is entirely volunteer driven which makes such an enormous
> undertaking even more remarkable. Whether your contribution was in time
> onsite tightening bolts, or with a few dollars that helps us buy new modems
> and dishes, it’s all been valued. Thank you.
> So, to the final point. It’s time to vote again on the board directors.
> For the past year Bart Kus, Cory Johnson, Rob Salsgiver, Doug Kingston, and
> myself have acted as the board for HamWAN. I have appreciated their work
> over the past year, and if they choose, I hope to continue doing so this
> year.
> Cory Johnson - Cory has graciously handled HamWAN’s financial and legal
> filings and reports. I’m incredibly grateful for his efforts. Thank you
> Cory!
> Bart Kus - Bart continues to put enormous effort into the physical aspects
> of the network, particularly in his gracious hosting of our site at
> Haystack, some software projects, as well as acting as an administrator for
> the Puget Sound network day to day. Thank you Bart!
> Rob Salsgiver - Rob has been a significant driver in terms of organizing
> what work needs to be done in the network, and making sure it gets taken
> care of. In addition to that, he has been coming up to speed as a Network
> Operations member, and has been tackling a number of issues.
> Doug Kingston - Doug has been part of a number of big wins for the network
> over the past year, both in terms of new sites, as well as getting projects
> done and maintaining existing ones. He has additionally been working on
> Network Operations and has jumped in to tackle issues that the rest of the
> team hadn’t been able to get to.
> Nigel Vander Houwen - (me) I handle much of our contract work, and record
> keeping around technical aspects like LoAs, I serve as a day to day network
> administrator, and have helped deploy and maintain some of the on-network
> services, occasionally I manage to make a site visit to help out, and I
> handle things like the email you’re reading now.
> I have spoken with Bart, Rob, and Doug with regards to serving on the
> board again this upcoming year. Rob and Doug have graciously offered to
> continue serving. Bart has chosen to step away from the Board work and
> focus on the other aspects of HamWAN and I look forward to our continued
> work.
> For anyone who wishes to run for the board, please send an email to the
> mailing list announcing your intention to run (You’ll see mine momentarily
> as an example). The voting period on your election will end 7 days after
> your announcement. Duties are not time intensive, and mostly consist of
> being available for occasional calls to approve expenses, and assisting
> HamWAN in whichever ways your time and/or skills/knowledge allow.
> Thank you all for reading this rather long email, and I hope to work with
> you all here in this next year.
> Nigel Vander Houwen
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