[HamWAN PSDR] Grant Received to Deploy Oregon HamWAN from Vancouver Washington to Salem Oregon

Herb Weiner herbw at wiskit.com
Tue Jun 1 12:10:19 PDT 2021

Great news: Oregon HamWAN has received a substantial grant to deploy Oregon HamWAN on 12 towers between Vancouver Washington and Salem Oregon, and connect to the Puget Sound Data Ring.

More information about this grant and a map showing the proposed towers is available here: https://www.oregonhamwan.org/ardc.html <https://www.oregonhamwan.org/ardc.html>.

We invite you to subscribe to the Oregon HamWAN email list here: https://www.oregonhamwan.org/about.html <https://www.oregonhamwan.org/about.html>.

Herb Weiner, AA7HW

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