[HamWAN PSDR] Cell Sites on DNR Towers

Nigel Vander Houwen nigel at nigelvh.com
Mon Nov 15 14:34:19 PST 2021


To the original point about lobbying activities. HamWAN discussed the potential for lobbying, and we believe it’s likely valuable as a longer term activity. It does not address the short term requirement DNR has placed to remove gear from the sites.

To Carl’s point below, no the DNR is not willing to let the gear sit at the sites unpowered pending some future undefined resolution. They have asked us to remove the gear as expeditiously as possible, which we are doing our best to comply with. Obviously we may run into issues with the oncoming winter, and they have expressed understanding about those limitations and may be willing to work with us on that, but only so far as to have the gear removed at the earliest opportunity in the spring.

DNR’s budget allocation from the legislature aside, DNRs new policies on amateur leases regarding the total number of leases and the amount of gear per lease make HamWAN a tough sell on DNR sites going forward. I’m not going to say ’never’, but I’m not holding my breath that this will be fixed in any sort of ’near term’.

To the points with regards to the relationships with amateur groups/individuals and DNR historically, yes, this is roughly what brought us here today. We (HamWAN) have been at these sites at the invitation of various leaseholders, whom needed to update their leases with DNR as appropriate. Unfortunately in several cases that did not happen, which brought us to the situation presently underway, and will make us reconsider these sorts of indirect agreements in the future, even if it means impacting growth opportunities.

We are pursuing other options at different sites, and we’ll see what ends up working out, but it’s too early to say anything for sure.


> On Nov 15, 2021, at 1:06 PM, <carl at n7kuw.com> <carl at n7kuw.com> wrote:
> Tom,
> I was in no way trying to disparage HamWAN, or it’s Board or Netops, all of which I am a supporter.  However, the history of amateur radio and DNR sites, which goes back many years before HamWAN existed, has been a rocky one at times, and nobody can argue that hams (and I am not pointing a finger at any specific person or group) have been problematic with respect to DNR site occupancy over the years.
> People today, in trying to identify ways to move forward, do need to keep that history in mind. I know a number of people are working to try and find a resolution to this that can benefit amateur radio going forward. I hope that is successful. Unfortunately, it will take time, and it does not appear that leaving systems installed (even if turned off) is something DNR is willing to consider at the moment. Has anyone approached them with that suggestion – shut the systems down but leave the hardware installed pending some future resolution? That way, possibly, you could avoid having to do re-installations.
> Carl, N7KUW
> From: PSDR <psdr-bounces at hamwan.org> On Behalf Of Tom Hayward
> Sent: Monday, November 15, 2021 10:46 AM
> To: Puget Sound Data Ring <psdr at hamwan.org>
> Subject: Re: [HamWAN PSDR] Cell Sites on DNR Towers
> On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 10:03 AM <carl at n7kuw.com <mailto:carl at n7kuw.com>> wrote:
>> While everything below is true and valid, let us not overlook the fact that amateur operators (including HamWAN) have moved onto sites without obtaining a lease, and in violation of the lease terms of those (who have leases) who have allowed them on to those sites.  This is a complex issue, and requires proper actions on the part of all players. Hams are suffering the consequences at the moment, but they are as much to blame as anyone else.  I DO support HamWAN, I DO believe it is essential and important to regional EmComm. But it does need to be done properly.
>> Carl, N7KUW
> Carl, please be careful not to present statements as fact that may be untrue. HamWAN has a history going back many years of helping leaseholders fill out the required paperwork to remain compliant with DNR when they have requested to connect their site to HamWAN.
> Tom KD7LXL
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