[HamWAN PSDR] Network outages, maintenance, and changes

Rob Salsgiver rob at nr3o.com
Thu Nov 23 21:09:50 PST 2023

FYI there is quite a bit of work that has been done today and will be
continuing over the coming days or week or more.


1.	IP changes were made to remove old address space from SnoDEM that
have affected routing in some parts of the network
2.	Repairs are needed and planned to be made to ETiger
3.	There is an outage believed to be in the power subsystem at Baldi
that has most of that site down.  Repairs are hoped to happen before weather
changes (others may have better timeline details.
4.	I'll be going up to Lookout for minor troubleshooting of on-site DMR
equipment (sorry, no climber for work on S2 - more likely in the spring)


Be aware that there may be other ripple impacts throughout the network on
some or all of this work.  Please let the NetOps group know if there are
problems with particular sites or gear.  If possible, do NOT post to the
larger PSDR group unless needed.  



Rob Salsgiver - NR3O


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