[HamWAN PSDR] vendors?

Jamie Hughes wa7jh at outlook.com
Wed Mar 31 13:23:43 PDT 2021


Thank you for sharing. And I completely get it. I think I am starting to get there too and I'm not that old. But I think this deserves a little explanation and understanding.

I think it is reasonable that a company that sells products outside of the governmental restrictions, request proof of authorization to purchase equipment. While a hassle, I've attached the form and the contact, hence removing a majority of the hassle.

Understand that ordering equipment that requires import to the US must be able to show compliance or exception if inspected. Failure to comply, well, gets pretty nasty.

I am sure there are many on this thread that would extend an offer to purchase for you.

Jamie Hughes
Phone: (360) 340-8886

-----Original Message-----
From: PSDR <psdr-bounces at hamwan.org> On Behalf Of David Bliss
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 12:54
To: psdr at hamwan.org
Subject: Re: [HamWAN PSDR] vendors?

To be clear: everybody I've talked to at Streakwave has been terrific, and they haven't done anything *wrong*.  (And even the delays in getting my order are emphatically not their fault).

But I've had to *talk* to them.  And I'm just far too old and crotchety at this point for 1980s-style "talk to a human" shopping.  I want to click a button and have my parts show up in the mail two days later, with no emails or "discounts" or "send us your license" or anything else.  And I'm willing to pay whatever it takes to avoid those hassles, if such a vendor exists.

73 -de- n8qg

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