[HamWAN PSDR] 2023 HamWAN season projects - INPUT NEEDED!

Rob Salsgiver rob at nr3o.com
Fri Mar 17 20:09:29 PDT 2023

Good evening all,


It's that time of year again where we need to start putting together the
list of projects to try to accomplish for the year. 


I would like to get input from anyone who has a project they would like to
see accomplished this year.  Priority focus will be on those items requiring
mountain top access as those are our most time or weather sensitive items.


Below is a starting list of projects I know at least bits about:

1)      Baldi visit - upgrade sectors to MIMO and/or PTP work(?)

2)      Lookout visit - effect repairs on Lookout/SnoDEM PTP dish (likely
cable fault)

3)      Indianola setup - in process / being finished by Doug and others


What else?  As mentioned, it doesn't need to be a site/tower project, but
those are the primary focus during good weather.


Let me know and I'll get it on the list so we can try to gather and
coordinate resources as needed.



Rob Salsgiver - NR3O

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