[HamWAN PSDR] [Netops] Lookout back online

Doug Kingston dpk at randomnotes.org
Sat Jul 20 20:25:32 PDT 2024

+1 to any commentary from Tom/Kenny.
A round of thanks to Tony and Steve who answered the call for volunteers.

-Doug-, KD7DK
HamWAN board and NetOps

On Sat, Jul 20, 2024 at 8:06 PM <rob at nr3o.com> wrote:

> Lookout is back online with all gear operational.  Sectors 1 and 2 should
> both be reachable again.
> As with the problem last year when S3 and the SnoDEM PTP were repaired,
> these problems were also cable problems.
> It is notable that the cable problems were not of our making or of our
> cabling itself, but that it was damaged (twice now) when an unsecured 1” RF
> hardline was causing damage to nearby gear (including ours) on the tower.
> There was also unsecured cables to what appears to be a substantial yet
> abandoned weather station at the top of the tower.  This cable was broken
> in multiple places.  Broken pieces around our gear have been removed and we
> secured as much of the hardline as we could that runs near our gear with
> temporary fixes.  We’ll need to work with the facility owner to see if we
> can get that particular hardline mounted properly.
> We also took up a wall mount patch panel that has become part of the new
> changes we’re making to sites going forward.  The CAT cables from the tower
> are run first to the patch panel in a manner that allows any water into the
> CAT cable jacket to drain out prior to hitting the RJ45 connectors and
> causing shorts and corrosion.
> In the case of Lookout we were fortunate – while all of the failed cables
> had water in the jacket to the inside of the facility, the cables were
> mounted in such a way that water didn’t get into the RJ45s or the lightning
> arrestors. Because of this there was no damage to lightning arrestors, POE
> power supplies, or our sector/PtP gear on the tower.  An additional visit
> will be made at a later date (no climbers needed) to integrate this into
> the setup along with correct length patch cables for between the patch
> panel and the lightning arrestors.
> A BIG thanks to Kenny and Tom for the tower work.  There was as much
> (arguably more) work cleaning up the mess left by the hardline and weather
> station cables than there was running new CAT cable for our stuff.  Thanks
> also to Tony and Steve for their help on the ground.  All in all it went (I
> thought) >very< well.  It’s been a long time since we’ve had Lookout in
> full operation.
> If any of you have used Sectors 1 or 2 in the past, please give them a
> test and let me know the results via the netops at hamwan.org mailing list.
> Tom / Kenny – feel free to chime in with your observations and/or
> corrections as you had the best view from the tower.
> Cheers,
> Rob Salsgiver – NR3O
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